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Electronic Taps – What’s the Hype and Why Would Installing Them in My Home Be a Great Idea?

Chances are, you’ve encountered electronic taps in airports, hotels and other public places, but have you thought about installing one as your basin tap in your home?

With a range of tapware available in Australia for residential and commercial buildings, you will be able to source products to suit the design of your home.

Sensor taps are accessibleAlso known as automatic, hands-free or sensor taps, they are technology designed not just to save water and electricity but improve hygiene and would be a fantastic addition to your home.

Electronic tapware comes in many forms and with different features. They may be self-closing or have an infrared light sensor that detects the presence of hands to turn the water on and off, or they can have an adjustable or fixed thermostat.

If you are interested in installing electronic taps in your home or commercial premises, the product you choose will come down to budget, style, hygiene, water efficiency, maintenance level and comfort.

Electronic tap

Discover the Benefits of Electronic Tapware

Electronic taps have a positive impact on the environment while ensuring consumers’ hygiene. They are user friendly as a basin tap and are more accessible for people with physical challenges.

Here are some of the benefits to take into account if you’re considering electronic taps for your home:

Reduce Your Water Usage with Sensor Basin Taps

Most electronic tapware is designed with a lower flow rate than regular mixer taps, and they include an aerator within the spout that stops water from leaking. When combined with an automatic shut off after use,  they significantly reduce your household water wastage. 

It is estimated that sensor taps help save 70% of the water that would otherwise be wasted in a household and as much as 5% of the water used by an average household, so it becomes an environmental and cost-benefit.

Technology Helps You Spend Less on Energy

While you may think that switching to electronic tapware increases energy use, the opposite is true. A traditional mixer tap allows a person to choose their preferred flow and temperature each time it’s turned on, which has the potential to waste a lot of electricity.

On the other hand, electronic tapware allows you to maintain water at a constant temperature so that you don’t need to use up energy changing the water temperature. 

Of course, there are also advanced sensor taps that allow you to adjust temperatures to wash your hands with warm water and brush your teeth with cold water.

Automate the Hygiene of Your Mixer Taps

In the age of increased hand washing and sanitising, the use of hands-free taps goes a step further in minimising germs being shared between users via taps.

When you add a basin mixer tap to your bathroom or kitchen, you ensure that your family is safe from spreading germs by turning the water on and off manually.

Add Accessibility to Your Home with a Sensor Basin Mixer Tap

Install sensor taps to save water

Electronic taps are easy to use and user-friendly for all kinds of people. In homes with children or people with arthritis and mobility restrictions, these taps make handwashing an easier, more manageable task. 

Maintenance is Simple with Electronic Taps

  1. Tap filters, including those with a sensor system, require regular checking to ensure that the water flow is not obstructed. Cleaning the filters is essential before using your sensor tap for the first time or after a power outage.
  2. For battery-powered electronic taps, check with the manufacturer how often the battery will need to be replaced. Usually, the product will display LED warnings when the battery is about to run out. Alternatively, you can opt for an electronic tap that is powered by mains.

Electronic Tapware is an Ideal Basin Mixer

Electronic taps have a number of advantages that justify the hype: good for the environment, energy-efficient and a cost-saver in the long term, with ease of use and consistency to all users. 

However, some things to consider include the upfront costs and the fact that water will stop running in the event of a power outage – if you have frequent power interruptions, it’s worth considering battery operated options.

At the end of the day, it is wise to choose the right electronic tap by paying attention to specifications such as water pressure, the type of power supply, flow rate or maximum temperature. 

Like any bathroom fixtures, electronic taps can be mounted on basins, wall mounted and on  decks. They can be either mains or battery operated, and are available in chrome or stainless steel, and other materials and in a range of modern designs.

Contact Nouvelle

Interested in upgrading your traditional tap to an electronic tap? At Nouvelle, we have a team of dedicated experts that’s ready to help you transform your home.

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