A home renovation is such a major project that sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. From the largest of layouts to the smallest of bathroom fittings, there’s a lot to think about when turning your tired home into your dream space. You need to develop a clear idea of exactly what you want to achieve with the renovation, and this is something you need to start thinking about before you even meet your designer for an initial planning consultation.
The first step in the planning process is to make a list of everyone in the house, their ages and their schedules. How will the renovation make your home more practical, comfortable and convenient for each of them? For example, do you need a functional and durable bathroom that will cater to the needs of three young kids, or is a gourmet kitchen top of your wish list?
Next, consider the good and bad features of your current home. Which features do you like, which ones would you scrap entirely and which aspects can be altered or improved? Are there certain features or fittings that are “must haves”, and are there other things you’d be prepared to compromise on?
Of course, you’ll need to think about your budget before you start planning your renovation. Doing so will give you a realistic idea of what you can and can’t achieve with your renovation project, and help your designer plan a space you can afford. Remember your designer is required to take local building laws into account to guarantee the renovation complies with all relevant regulations.
Then it’s time to finalise your renovation wish list and set up a meeting with a Nouvelle designer. The journey to the completion of your dream home has begun.